There have been better seasons for sure of this shall I say EPIC show but the "Playbook" episode alone easily secures it's place in the best of 2009:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
9) Parks and Recreation
It took me a while to really warm up to this show but once I did it quickly became a must watch on what is now the best Thursday night comedy lineup in many many years. Plus well all the Pacers, Colts and Hoosiers references have a special place near and dear to my heart:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
8) 30 Rock

Week in, week out this show never fails to deliver. I had heard rumors of a possible demise this season and I find those grossly inaccurate. As long as Jack and Tracy are in their elements this show is a winner. Plus I am starting to find Tina Fey more and more attractive every time she dances. It's getting weird for me:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
7) Real Time with Bill Maher
In a land of completely biased paid off pundits we were crying for anyone with a reasonable head to speak to those logical people who still followed Politics in this country. Olberman had his moments but in the end just got crazier and crazier and eventually just became O'Reilly of the left. Bill Maher though was the exception. When all of the Left was busy praising Obama blindly this man spoke up and gave one of the most poignant illustrations of OUR frustrations imaginable. This.was.epic.:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
6) Community
The single most surprising show of the year for me. I didn't expect much and ended up with what may have been the best show on NBC these past Thursday nights (and that's saying something). It, much like 30 Rock, crams all the jokes in a small window and does so flawlessly. It also introduced my favorite new character of 2009, Abed:
Although Senor Chang may also be a close 2nd:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
5) The League
The show that feels to have been *literally* created for me. Always Sunny meets Fantasy Football. Are you kidding? The semi-scripted concept is risky but just like it's parent show (curb your enthusiasm) when you have funny people it's not so hard to make work. The detailed football jokes here were aplenty but it was some of Taco's (the hilarious John Lajoie) songs that really put this show on the map for me:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
Another year, another excellent season of LOST. No show spends more time developing (and now answering) plot lines and characters but still has the time to be so painstakingly beautiful in it's cinematography and aesthetics. This is the most well made and acted show of all time. Yes, I said that and without hesitation. Hands down. Season 5 though was an interesting one and although it didn't have the stay power that a season 3 or 2 did it actually started to give us some real answers. Beyond that it brought into light the intriguing character of Jacob:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
3) Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The funniest show currently on TV is back to it's roots. After a lackluster season 4 (aside from the Nightman musical of course) the 5th season pushed the envelope once again and allowed for some of the funniest moments in the shows history. Not to mention "Kitten Mittons" alone could have pushed this into the top 5:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
2) Dexter

I have always been a Dexter fan but going into this season I grew frustrated. I was not a fan of the domestication shown and wanted more of that raw behavior and awkwardness that Made the first two seasons so special. Without going into any spoilers that all changed this year and Dexter took a turn the show SORELY needed. This was the best season of the show to date and could even qualify as top 3 of the decade. It just went against history for the #1 spot and that was unfortunate. This also brought in John Lithgow who may have been the most perfectly cast villain in all my TV watching life. You will have to sign in to you tube to view this FYI:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
1) Curb Your Enthusiasm
The #1 reason why I always loved Curb as much as I did was because it filled that deep cold void that the absence of my favorite show of all time left: Seinfeld. First let me say that even without any of the Seinfeld moments here this season still would have been amazing (just like every season) but the most consistent comedy on TV today took it to a new level and brought back all that is right in the world. Simply doing a Seinfeld reunion is one thing but the way they did it; how you started to see the dynamic that actually played out while the show was going on... It felt like I was watching the funniest documentary of all time about the making of Seinfeld.
They didn't shy away from the press:
They had scenes that just took you back to the old Thursday nights so seamlessly:
Then they even had Larry David, play George, who is based off Larry in real life and well...greatness ensued:
Tasty Clip/Video of the Year:
This season was well...perfect. So many of us wanted a reunion and what we got was even better. People can knock TV all they want and most of it rightfully so but I feel like those people just aren't watching this. In the words of Barney Stinson:
Special Mention to: Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Modern Family
I have seen an episode of Modern Family and much enjoyed it. And by all accounts Breaking Bad and Mad Men are pretty damn good. So before some of you get all up in arms over this they are on my 'to do' list though I assure you.
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