As a former film student and Rob Gordon/Flemming apologist I struggled to put together this year's list more than ever. 2009 really was just an interesting year for film.
While there wasn't one breakthrough, hands down, top film there was a very nice list of solid flicks that absolutely deserve their credit. We saw some standout directors deliver (Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Ivan Reitman, Ramin Bahrami) but also some others falter (Michael Mann, Peter Jackson, Woody Allen). We saw the Blockbuster record books re-written and for good measure. Pixar raised their game and tackled subjects never before seen in their history; documentaries saw a well deserved upswing and the Horror Genre had as well rounded a year as any.
So yes, this may not have been another 07' where any of the top five films of that year would have been #1 here but there is some definite staying power with the differences between #1 and #20 minimal and all deserving to stand on their own merit.
SO...Let's recap with my Top 20, err 21 of 2009:
21) Anvil!: The Story of Anvil

So yes, this was just tacked on to my list here but for good reason. A crazy but uplifting story about the Band that never could. 30 years, a dozen albums later, and they are still trying to make it desperately hanging on to that brief 15 minutes of fame they had in the early 80's . Knowing that this is all real is the true kicker as you find yourself rooting for these guys all while scratching your head at their every move. One of the funniest documentaries in years and if you are paying attention is actually pretty moving too.The lead singer here "Lips" is the real star and so damn endearing that you can't help but catch on to his far fetched optimism. The 5th band to the "Big 4 of Thrash Metal" (Slayer, Metallica, Megadeath & Anthrax) this is something all music lovers need to see.
Come to think of it... I really think that #21 overall might be too low here but I'm too lazy to change this now.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF4H8lB2Y_o
20) Where the Wild Things Are

No film (other than maybe Avatar) has caused more of a rift between critics. There are those who loathe every second of this and others who have called it their film of the year. I lean towards the latter but hesitantly. There are those moments when I was completely entranced but others where it seemed to drag. I am eagerly awaiting a second viewing because I have a feeling this could drastically affect my thoughts here.
Tasty Clip:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr6vSC114PE
I am also adding the trailer since it was my favorite of the year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFk7kYa_i0s
19) Star Trek

I HATE anything and everything Star Trek that is not related to the "Wrath of Khan" and that is mainly because of fond memories as a child. For years the only good thing to come from this franchise was the documentary "Trekkies". That was until JJ Abrams came around. I don't care how different certain characters are or what different path the story took this movie was an absolute blast and was a perfect example of what a "reboot" action film should be.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajaZxfwzBg8
18) House of the Devil

This is what Rob Zombie meant to do. I love the concept of making a throwback film. Something that shows an unbelievable respect to the genre and makes you feel as though you are living through that time period all over again. Director Ti West gets this and then some. If you were to pass by this late night on HBO you'd swear it was made in 1983 (watch the trailer to see what I mean). Everything is pitch perfect here with a palpable tension that builds from the first scene. I won't recommend this to everyone but if you are a horror purist this is your film. Polanski and DePalma would be so proud.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHvSkTDWFfk
17) Sugar

When you call this a "sports movie" you are doing it a disservice. Now don't get me wrong I still am a sucker for a good sports flick but they are the romantic comedies for men. The same tired plot points and predictable endings. Sports cliches - Meet 'Sugar' and more importantly meet the REAL best sports film of 2009 ('The Blindside' can't hold a candle to this). Writer/Directors Ryan Fleck and Ann Bowen (Half Nelson) now have a dedicated viewer for whatever comes next.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO8CoIO8ASw
16) Adventureland

This feels like the THQ marketing team headed this gem up. Horribly spun as a new "Superbad" this film got lost in the shuffle for all the wrong reasons. A true slice of life that was both refreshing and genuine you can relate to the characters here that have more depth than most first realize. Ignore the trailer, ignore that the chick from Twilight is in it and just give this funny *DRAMA* a chance. It was even better on a second viewing too.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LZmysUhUjk
15) Food, Inc.

One of the common points of a documentary is to inform and empower people about a subject that they may not know too much about. On that basis alone this film succeeds and then some. This journey into the ugly and now fattened under belly of the American Foods industry is both scary and at times down right sad. The Food laws alone here should be enough to incite a riot. In the end this doc may not change that much but it is something everyone should see.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0
14) Drag me to Hell

Welcome back Mr. Sam Raimi. Emo Spidey aside I have always LOVED this man for bringing to me one of the greatest Horror trilogies of all time (Evil Dead). What worked so well there was Sam's unbelievable ability to make a film truly scary while also funny. The Horror Comedy has been tried by others and has failed but Sam has this uncanny way of balancing it so perfectly. This was such a breath of fresh old crazy witch doctor woman air that that I, and the genre, had been sorely missing.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn6u0WSraqc
13) An Education

Ladies and gentlemen we have a star. Miss Carey Mulligan gave the best performance by an Actress in 2009. This is not even worth discussing. Combined with this breakthrough role was a clever script from re-known Author Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, Songbook) which took a story that had been done but with a fresh and witty feel to it that is hard to really describe. Yes, there are elements that are predictable but the journey to get there is both refreshing and moving. The period alone (1960's London) was a character within herself that really brought some unique story elements to their awkward but at times beautiful relationship.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXJPX0XvsHs
12) Avatar

Say what you will about the story or stupid political undertones but this to me is what going to the movies is all about: An escape. I didn't know much about the story going in (deliberately) and I think that helped as I become completely immersed into this fascinating new world. Yes, the "plot" had been written before but the environment, the characters, the creatures had not. I am THE last person to care about special effects in a movie but this took it to a whole different level with me. I had a blast. And for that reason alone this makes my list.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYPPyaqyTRc
11) In the Loop

This is like Wag the Dog...but better. And yes, I know what that must mean. Political satire at it's best you find yourself laughing hysterically while becoming so frustrated at the process and decision making it almost makes it uneasy at times (i.e. The Larry David effect). Razor sharp in it's pacing, acting and wit this is a comedy that keeps your mind going 100 MPH. Peter Capaldi is pitch perfect as the foul mouthed Communications Director for the British Prime Minister who steals every scene he is in. The best true comedy of the year and if you enjoy British Humor and/or Political comedies this is the film for you.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQrqMkCuHqA
10) Precious

I somehow saw this with my mother when home last Christmas. Learn from my mistake here: Do not take your Christian, conservative mother to a movie about rape. Words to live by right there. Look, this is not an easy viewing but WOW is it powerful. You get thrown in to a world with no gloss, nothing held back and you can see what a tough life is really all about. Amazing performances abound in one of the more heartbreaking films of the year.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5FYahzVU44
9) Moon

Why hello old school sci-fi, where have you been all these years? You'd think that what essentially turns out to be a one man show that takes place almost entirely in one or two small rooms would be boring but that couldn't be further from the truth. Sam Rockwell is quickly moving up my man crush list with performances like this and single handedly made me hang on to every moment. You can feel the games being played in Mr. Rockwells head as the story takes an interesting turn that keeps him and the audience guessing. Why this one seems to have missed most critics top lists baffles me. Excellent film that hopefully reignites a struggling genre.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twuScTcDP_Q
8) Inglorious Basterds

Oh Quentin, I know that for some reason you seem to be getting more backlash these days but I honestly just don't understand it. You deliver each and EVERY time and find new and interesting ways to keep me at those theaters opening weekend. Hell you even made me tolerate Eli Roth for a bit which anyone that knows me is aware of such an accomplishment. Christopher Waltz is my pick for best supporting actor seamlessly switching between witty and frightening all while balancing Italian, German and English dialect. Great performance. Great film.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIja0yValiE
7) Goodbye Solo

If you don't know who Ramin Bahrami is and you call yourself a film buff then you need to rethink your title. One of the brightest directors working today Ramin does so much with so little and with Goodbye Solo he has one of the most moving films of the year. So simple in concept but so rich in the details of the characters. Souleymane Sy Savane delivers one of the most charming performances of the year that takes you through the awkward early laughs and late woeful tears. Just a beautiful film on display by a VERY talented Director.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5IGC59Q9y8
6) Hurt Locker

The hype may be going a bit too high for this one (see Slumdog of 08' and No Country of 07') but just like the other two if you can see this without expecting a world burner you will have a damn good movie going experience on your hands. That being said the first hour of this may be the best 2009 has to offer. You can feel the tension building in what is one of the best and most unique looks at the Iraq war. Jeremy Renner is a long overdue star and while the second half may have lacked a third plot point it still delivers in what is an excellent all around film.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bx6heoEOE8
5) Fantastic Mr Fox

Wes Anderson is amazing. Period. End of Story. This man continues to deliver and now in a medium I never would have expected. In what could also be very commercially appealing (if distributors tried here) Wes accomplishes something with a beautiful, poignant story that is both funny and charming just at the right times. Jason Schwratzman and Chris Anderson steal the show with their witty rivalry as Ash and Kristofferson and The Weasel (voiced by Wes himself) is one of the funniest characters of the year. I can't wait to watch this one again.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS2p7tf0B-8
4) Sin Nombre

The top foreign film of the year that haunts you for days and days after.This is a riveting piece that weaves together two heart-wrenching and gritty stories that would otherwise seem unrelated. It is beautifully and realistically photographed and provides true no-frills story telling. Foreign films always seem to be overlooked come Oscar time and by American audiences but I urge you to seek this one out. Produced by members involved with 'Y Tu Mama Tambien' and 'City of God' we get a new classic here that is both powerful and soulful. Just like some other classics this isn't an easy viewing and I wouldn't recommend it as a romantic movie night but please don't let that or the fact this is foreign deter you from catching it. This is a potential masterpiece and really is interchangeable with any of these top 3 films as the best of the year.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy28rYE8NIw
3) UP

2) (500) Days of Summer

Romantic Comedies are probably the toughest genre to tackle. Everything seems to have been done before and then you find yourself struggling to do what your target audience may want and what you know wouldn't actually happen. Rarely does a film seem to understand this and give more credit to their audience and just like the great Romantic films before it (Annie Hall, Eternal Sunshine, Garden State) when you finally see this come together just right it can be a beautiful thing. I walked out of the theater of (500) Days blown away. I cared about the characters; I related to so many of the experiences; I felt the heartbreak; I understood the elation only to feel the 180 turn. Great performances (Joseph Gordon levitt was oscar worthy here), a witty script, an unbelievable soundtrack and two of the most beautiful scenes on film this year helped make this what may turn out to be my *favorite* film of the year. Girls seem to be mixed on the ending but just like the characters learned the truth is sometimes hard to swallow.
Tasty Clip (of the year really, but warning there are spoilers here):
1) Up in the Air

Tasty Clip:http://www.rottentomatoes.com/dor/objects/14277197/up_in_the_air_2009/videos/upintheair_clip_101909.html
Tasty Clip #2: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/dor/objects/14277197/up_in_the_air_2009/videos/uita_3_112509.html
Bonus Film Pick of the Year:
Friday the 13th

Guilty pleasure? Maybe so. But this to me might have actually been my favorite movie going experience of the year. First for the rare few of you that don't know I am a complete Friday the 13th apologist(nerd). You could name a kill scene and I could immediately tell you what movie it was from. I grew up on this which is now the most profitable Horror film franchise of all time. The first R movie I ever saw was Friday Part 7 and then proceeded to sneak into the theater one year later at 10 years old to see Part 8.
ANYWAY... The point is I know what this series is supposed to be about and although I was hesitant about this "reboot" they actually got it all right here:
Cars not starting at inconvenient times: Check
Gratuitous Sex: Check
Virgins: Check
Skinny Dipping: Check
Dumb Teens: Check
Drug Abuse: Check
Elaborate Kills: Check
See, these aren't necessarily cliches because this was the series that started all of this (with respect to a few other flicks to some degree). They took what I grew up with and simply made it modern. No outsmarting themselves. No clever twists. Just have Jason show up behind you when it's preposterous for him to have made it up the stairs that fast and stab you in the throat. Aaron is then Happy. And this made me happy and isn't that what a movie is all about? I heart you Jason Voorhies. And I LOVED this remake.
Tasty Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uacrOVs5Xbc
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