The mad ramblings of Mr. A.B. Koontz... Or in other words a lot of top ten(ish) lists in the film, music and pop culture world with the occasional offensive rant thrown in for dramatic effect.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Top 10 Christmas Horror Films
A scene from the '98 family film 'Jack Frost' starring Michael Keaton.
Or at least... I really hope it is
10) Silent Night, Evil Night (1974)
Produced by B-Movie icon Lloyd Kaufman and even presenting John Carradine in a supporting role you have one of the more popular Psychological Horror Films centered on Christmas ever made
9) Don't Open till Christmas (1984)
A murderous psychopath wanders the streets of London killing anyone found in a Santa Outfit. The first two acts are strong, with some inventive kills but it falls apart at the end. Nonetheless it provides a fun horror thriller worth a look.
8) Treevenge (2008) Short
From up and coming Genre leader Jason Eisner (Hobo with a Shotgun) comes an inventive crazy short film about Christmas Trees who have had enough screwing into stands, lame ornaments stabbing them and ridiculous angels on their heads. And they are pissed.
Watch the entire film here below!
7) Santa's Slay (2005)
Wrestler Bill Godlberg is Santa who little do you know is actually a demon (Santa-Satan, it's not a stretch) and goes on a rampage of killing which is what the TRUE meaning of Christmas really was. Yeah, it's awesome. And the opening scene; a dinner killing where you see the likes of Chris Kattan, Fran Drescher, Rebecca Gayheart and yes, James Caan meet their demise, well... it doesn't get much better than that.
6) Rare Exports (2010)
Hidden away in a deserted mountain range is a secret that many have worked hard to keep from the public: Santa is really a serial killer hell bent on punishing the naughty. In a plot line that reads like a B-Horror this Finnish delight is anything of the sort providing a serious look at an off-beat concept. It's funny, violent and all in all just a damn good suspense/horror thriller that likely moves higher on this list as the years pass.
5) Jack Frost (1996)
Not to be confused with the previously mentioned Keaton lead family film; This is tongue in cheek horror goodness. Honestly this is one of my *favorite* films period, let alone Christmas Horror. It also prompts one of the best WTF moments ever when you ask yourself: "Wait... where is the carrot?" And yes, that is Shannon Elizabeth below.
4) Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
Unlike a number of others on this list let me be clear: this is NOT just another tongue in cheek Horror film. This is a legitimately disturbing selection that to this day is still banned in some countries. I of course love it. The 4 sequels though? (Yes, they made a part V) Not so much.
3) Christmas Evil aka You Better Watch Out (1980)
Another extremely underrated yet somewhat perverted Christmas Horror feast about a man obsessed with the Holidays who eventually loses his connection with reality and believes he is Santa. The man then turns this obsession into a killing spree of the naughty. Its a bit darker than most might think and over the years has developed a pretty strong Cult following thanks in large part to John Waters calling it the "greatest Christmas movie ever made".
2) Black Christmas (1974)
One of the most influential Horror films of all time; a slasher that pre-dates Halloween and Friday the 13th. Black Christmas tells a now overwrought story line but at the time was an original, tense masterpiece that still stands the test of time today. The remake was pitiful but don't let that turn you off to what may be the first real slasher film.
1) Gremlins (1984)
Although some would argue the genre of 'Horror' here it still has the elements to make this a winner. Speilberg and Dante combined on one of my childhoods favorite films with enough dark humor to entrance any viewer even today. One of the greats in ANY genre.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Top 10 Mancrushes of 2011
in no particular order...
Donald Glover

The reason for me to be excited on Thursday Nights. Community is hands down the funniest show on TV (seriously, it's not up for debate) and despite a wonderful cast from start to finish no one makes me laugh more than "Troy". Throw in his new rap album as "Childish Gambino" and seeing him do stand-up and rap at Fun, Fun, Fun Fest and my crush reached new heights in 2011.
Ricky Gervais
This is a newcomer to the list, and honestly it was a long time coming. The original Office and his podcasts alone should have given him his spot years before but he reached new heights with me after hosting the Golden Globes and the subsequent outspoken defense of Atheist everywhere. His closing line for the 2011 Globes, in front of millions says it all "... and thanks to God... for making me an atheist."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science has needed someone like this for decades and now, *finally* they have their face for the masses. A charismatic genius that "gets it". Neil is as cool as they come and in an industry that no one ever thought was "cool" to begin with but now that all changes.
Jordan Hulls
The best shooting PG in the nation that was born in Indiana, was the Indiana Mr. Basketball as a HS senior and is one of the toughest SOB's on the floor every single time out is a resume enough. But to then lead my resurgent Indiana Hoosier squad to a now 11-0 record and our first top 25 ranking in nearly 4 years? Now, a lot of people might think I'd pick freshman Phenom Cody Zeller here but the team starts and ends with Mr. Jordy Hulls.
Dennis Kucinich

One more list and this man makes the Hall of Fame (see below). As the congressman for Ohio this is THE politician who really understands what the American people want and isn't afraid to say it. His help to get the Ohio Workers Bill voted down ( is yet another notch on a very impressive belt of accomplishments.
Andrew Garfield
I noticed him first on the criminally underrated Red Riding Trilogy. Then there was Never Let Me Go and his breakthrough performance in The Social Network. But for me it all came together after this one interview above. This one time where I realized that he too is just a nerd appealing to other nerds and how can I not get behind a calling like that?
Ryan Gosling

Yeah, yeah.. I know that anyone listing Ryan Gosling on a crushlist is about as shocking as Lindsay Lohan posing in playboy, it was all bound to happen. But Ryan took what was already a very stellar resume (Half Nelson, Lars & the Real Girl, Blue Valentine) and then added THE film of 2011 - Drive. The fanaticism and fact that he stared in the equally shitty as drive is amazing 'The Notebook' knocks him down some notches but in reality those aren't fair to him. Dude is just awesome. And I want to be friends. Yeah.
Stephen Colbert
Another on the verge of a HOF spot. Colbert has taken his bit to new levels and continues to make tongue in cheek humor that is still informative. And to illustrate this all while coming full circle to the post a few spots above I present to you this clip.
Win Butler
Take the band with the greatest album of the decade, add in one of the best albums of last year (which even surprisingly won them a 2011 Grammy) and then allow me to see them live in what was perhaps one of the 3 greatest shows of my entire lifetime? That's a good stretch for Win and his band Arcade Fire. Throw in some amazing humanitarian efforts and the fact that I was even sent a hand signed post card from the band simply for donating to their charity and well... you have the recipe for a man crush.
Rachel Maddow

Well, you see... Ahem.
Bonus Pick:
Christopher Hitchens
This is a bit of an honorary pick since, unfortunately, Mr Hitchens left us on 12/15. Author of the hilarious yet informative "God is not Great" and along with one of my favorite Authors Chuck Klosterman helped with a series of Vanity Fair articles that are both controversial and invigorating. You will be missed sir. RIP.
Hall of Fame
P.T. Anderson
Sean Astin
Reggie Miller
Peyton Manning
Rivers Cuomo
Jason Schwartzman
Creepy Specific Crushes

Ron Swanson smiling
Jared Leto AS Jordan Catalanto only
Bernie Sanders in a suit on the Senate Floor
Jake Gyllenhaal ranting in Donnie Darko
Donald Glover

The reason for me to be excited on Thursday Nights. Community is hands down the funniest show on TV (seriously, it's not up for debate) and despite a wonderful cast from start to finish no one makes me laugh more than "Troy". Throw in his new rap album as "Childish Gambino" and seeing him do stand-up and rap at Fun, Fun, Fun Fest and my crush reached new heights in 2011.
Ricky Gervais
This is a newcomer to the list, and honestly it was a long time coming. The original Office and his podcasts alone should have given him his spot years before but he reached new heights with me after hosting the Golden Globes and the subsequent outspoken defense of Atheist everywhere. His closing line for the 2011 Globes, in front of millions says it all "... and thanks to God... for making me an atheist."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Neil deGrasse Tyson | |||| | ||||
Science has needed someone like this for decades and now, *finally* they have their face for the masses. A charismatic genius that "gets it". Neil is as cool as they come and in an industry that no one ever thought was "cool" to begin with but now that all changes.
Jordan Hulls
The best shooting PG in the nation that was born in Indiana, was the Indiana Mr. Basketball as a HS senior and is one of the toughest SOB's on the floor every single time out is a resume enough. But to then lead my resurgent Indiana Hoosier squad to a now 11-0 record and our first top 25 ranking in nearly 4 years?
Dennis Kucinich

One more list and this man makes the Hall of Fame (see below). As the congressman for Ohio this is THE politician who really understands what the American people want and isn't afraid to say it. His help to get the Ohio Workers Bill voted down ( is yet another notch on a very impressive belt of accomplishments.
Andrew Garfield
I noticed him first on the criminally underrated Red Riding Trilogy. Then there was Never Let Me Go and his breakthrough performance in The Social Network. But for me it all came together after this one interview above. This one time where I realized that he too is just a nerd appealing to other nerds and how can I not get behind a calling like that?
Ryan Gosling

Yeah, yeah.. I know that anyone listing Ryan Gosling on a crushlist is about as shocking as Lindsay Lohan posing in playboy, it was all bound to happen. But Ryan took what was already a very stellar resume (Half Nelson, Lars & the Real Girl, Blue Valentine) and then added THE film of 2011 - Drive. The fanaticism and fact that he stared in the equally shitty as drive is amazing 'The Notebook' knocks him down some notches but in reality those aren't fair to him. Dude is just awesome. And I want to be friends. Yeah.
Stephen Colbert
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Bill O'Reilly Proves God's Existence - Neil deGrasse Tyson | |||| | ||||
Another on the verge of a HOF spot. Colbert has taken his bit to new levels and continues to make tongue in cheek humor that is still informative. And to illustrate this all while coming full circle to the post a few spots above I present to you this clip.
Win Butler
Take the band with the greatest album of the decade, add in one of the best albums of last year (which even surprisingly won them a 2011 Grammy) and then allow me to see them live in what was perhaps one of the 3 greatest shows of my entire lifetime? That's a good stretch for Win and his band Arcade Fire. Throw in some amazing humanitarian efforts and the fact that I was even sent a hand signed post card from the band simply for donating to their charity and well... you have the recipe for a man crush.
Rachel Maddow

Well, you see... Ahem.
Bonus Pick:
Christopher Hitchens
This is a bit of an honorary pick since, unfortunately, Mr Hitchens left us on 12/15. Author of the hilarious yet informative "God is not Great" and along with one of my favorite Authors Chuck Klosterman helped with a series of Vanity Fair articles that are both controversial and invigorating. You will be missed sir. RIP.
Hall of Fame
P.T. Anderson
Sean Astin
Reggie Miller
Peyton Manning
Rivers Cuomo
Jason Schwartzman
Creepy Specific Crushes

Ron Swanson smiling
Jared Leto AS Jordan Catalanto only
Bernie Sanders in a suit on the Senate Floor
Jake Gyllenhaal ranting in Donnie Darko
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Top 10, err... 15 Concerts I Attended in 2011
In the first of my Best Of 2011 lists...
To follow there will be Best Of's in Film, Albums, Songs, TV and a few random surprises. But we shall start here. And keep in mind too these aren't necessarily the best bands, just the best shows. Although that of course plays a HUGE influence.
And in what is becoming a tradition with my music lists here is a Spotify Playlist specially created with only bands I saw in 2011.
And in what is becoming a tradition with my music lists here is a Spotify Playlist specially created with only bands I saw in 2011.
Spotify '11 Concerts Playlist:
15) Justin Townes Earle
Grant/Millennium Park - Chicago
Choice Moment: Doing a heartbreaking yet fun rendition of Bruce Springsteen's "Racing in the Street"
Show Clip: There were only two total clips online so this will have to do.
14) Pete Yorn with Ben Kweller (On my 31st Birthday btw)
Canopy Club - Champaign, Il
Choice Moment: Ben Kweller's piano solo cover of the Beach Boys "God Only Knows". That and me catching a drumstick of course.
Show Clip: I actually have some video of this but its not handy. This will have to do instead (he played this acoustic in this show as well). I effing love it when he breaks the verse down too.
13) The Dodos
in a small church - Champaign - Pygmalion Music Festival
Choice Moment: The atmosphere is what made this so special. Just watching these guys play 8 and 9 minute+ version of their work in this small intimate setting with a stained glass window behind them was perfection. I liked this band before this show, I loved them after.
Show Clip: Sadly no actual clip can be found. But this wonderfully building piece below perfectly exemplifies what this band is like live.
12) Bob Schneider and Filter
Bat Fest 2011 - Austin, TX
Choice Moment: This was my first concert in Austin so it had a special meaning regardless. But seeing the Adam West rocking out to some 'Honey Pot' and then an impromptu cover by Bob and his band of Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" are moments I won't soon forget.
Show Clip: Just a friend... with a lil' improv in that Bob Schneider way. This whole performance and show just reeks of Austin.
11) Alpha Rev with Quiet Company, Joe Pug and Ed Rolland of Collective Soul
La Zona Rosa - Austin
Choice Moment: Ed Roland on stage singing "World I Know" and "Shine" with Alpha Rev. Something I never thought I'd hear again live in my lifetime. Throw in Quiet Company's cover of "El Scorcho" and we had one hell of a successful show.
Show Clip: This is actually my own video that I uploaded to my facebook. I think my quote to my friend right before they played this was "If they play 'The World I Know' I may lose it".
10) Iron & Wine with The Head and the Heart
Vogue Theater - Indianapolis
Choice Moment: Both bands on stage for a stirring collaborative version of "Boy with a Coin". This also was the first I had ever heard of The head and the Heart who are now one of my favorite new bands of 2011.
Show Clip: Sadly no actual clip could be found. But they did perform a very striking version of this song below in the same manner, which of course was effing moving.
9) Death Cab for Cutie
Austin Music Hall - Austin
Choice Moment: Closing the show with a 10 minute version of Transatlantacism, my all-time favorite Death Cab track. That alone was worth the price of admission and was the first time I had ever heard it Live.
Show Clip: I was up stairs in a VIP area with a pretty sweet view. The crowd singing along to a stripped down version of "I'll Follow You Into the Dark" also was pretty sweet:
8) M83, Lykke Li, Ra Ra Riot, Spoon, Joy Formiddable, Childish Gambino, Cold Cave
Fun, Fun, Fun Fest - Austin
Choice Moment: Honestly it might have been Donald Glover's standup but aside from that the M83 and LykKe Li shows were two that exceeded my expectations.
Show Clip: I dig this a lot because you can see how well they utilized the stage. it was a long day so I was sitting for part of this but it was a wonderful way to wind down the fest.
7) Braid, Deerhoof, Japandroids, Asobi Seksu, Strfkr
PolyVinyl 15th Anniversary Show - Pygmalion Music Fest - Champaign
Choice Moment: Pretty much the second Braid got on stage. I felt like I was 15 again.
Show Clip: I was all over the place for this show but for Braid was pretty close the first half, and for good reason
6) Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Metro - Chicago
Choice Moment: Uhh, seeing Godspeed live. Seriously, this was something I had waited years for. The use of lights and stage accents really helped as well.
Show Clip: I was actually way in the back for this one, but it didn't matter. You can enjoy them from anywhere. This is 15 minutes that you need to invest right here
Metro - Chicago
Choice Moment: Uhh, seeing Godspeed live. Seriously, this was something I had waited years for. The use of lights and stage accents really helped as well.
Show Clip: I was actually way in the back for this one, but it didn't matter. You can enjoy them from anywhere. This is 15 minutes that you need to invest right here
5) Foster the People, MGMT, The Shins, Big Boi, Phantogram, Erykah Badu, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Phish
Outside Lands Fest - San Francisco
Choice Moment: Foster the People covering well... let me just link this below. If you don't know why this was so awesome you don't know me too well.
All in all this was an amazing festival from top to bottom. And with 65 degree weather in SF the week after I just accepted a new job and moved across the country it was a fitting way to end my weekend
4) Bon Iver
Chicago Theater - Chicago
Choice Moment: Completely stripped down Acoustic version of "Skinny Love" with the crowd singing along.
Show Clip: about ten rows from the front, on the left side. Every single song was so damn powerful, this is how the show opened. Just like on the new album.
3) The National with Local Natives
Austin Music Hall - Austin
Choice Moment: Encore set by The National that included lead singer Matt Berninger walking through the entire crowd belting the repeated lyrics at the end of Terrible Love. Followed by a 100% unplugged (literally, not even a mic) and singing in unison with the crowd for the finale.
Show Clip: The true closing number, completely unplugged. Brilliant
2) Weezer
Memories Tour -Pinkerton Album - Chicago
Choice Moment: For those not familiar this wasn't just a 'Weezer' concert, this was them playing Pinkerton, in it's entirety, from start top finish. So hearing tracks like Butterfly and Across the Sea was beyond special since these are songs that Rivers usually refuses to play in other shows because of how personal and emotionally tragic they are.
Show Clip: Was right in front, dead center for this with Vicki and friends belting out every lyric in unison. When the crowd goes nuts here is a "memory" indeed
1) Arcade Fire with The National
UIC Pavilion - Chicago
Choice Moment: The entire show really. This may have been the greatest concert of my lifetime even. Arcade Fire played an over 2 hour set that I will likely never forget.
Show Clip: I was a bit closer than this, just towards the right of the stage. The energy of the crowd was and is palpable. This may have been the greatest show of the last decade for me, not just 2011. Effing perfection.
Honorable Mention: Passion Pit (Assembly Hall - Champaign) Appleseed Cast (Champaign), Saves the Day with Bayside (Austin), Cut Copy with Washed Out (Champaign, Pygmalion Music Fest), Bear Hands (Champaign, Pygmalion Music Fest), Margot & the Nuclear So &So's (Vogue Theater, Indianapolis), Girl Talk (Canopy Club - Champaign)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Top 10 Songs I act Like I Hate, but Secretly Love
And yes, I am fully prepared to take plenty of shit for this one.
Plus you are a cold-hearted liar if you act like you hate every track listed.
I have secretly loved this song for too many years now, the cat is out of the bag. No single track on the planet immediately puts me in as good of a mood as this. I had an ex that would play it every time we fought and I would concede and just smile. No joke. Why? I still don't know. But it is and always likely will be my #1 secret joy in this world.
Plus you are a cold-hearted liar if you act like you hate every track listed.
10) Britney Spears – Toxic
9) Katy Perry – Firework
It took me a full year before I even knew this was Katy Perry.
8) Lady Gaga – A Bad Romance
I just love all of that "ra ra aha ah ahhha hhh, gaga oohh lala" or whatever it is. Ugh.
7) Kelly Clarkson – Since You Been Gone*
I refuse to use the actual title which instead spells it "U"
I refuse to use the actual title which instead spells it "U"
It is impossible for me not to bob my head to the chorus
6) Natasha Beddingfield - Pocket Full of Sunshine
This clip perfectly exemplifies this song to me:
5) LMFAO – Rock Party Anthem
Tongue in cheek wonderfulness. And I will forever defend the Kia Gerbils too.
4) Justin Bieber – Baby
Ugh. This one is tough but I...
This also may be the greatest thing in the world: Leona Lewis – Bleeding Love
"I don't care what they say..." I'm still in love with this song. I can't explain it either.
I heard it on AI one night and have been hooked since.
I heard it on AI one night and have been hooked since.
2) Backstreet Boys – I Want it That Way (Tell me Why)
My first true "guilty pleasure song". The Tell me whyeyye?!?! is pop perfection in shit wrapper.
1) Enrique Iglesias – You Can’t Escape My Love
Bonus Tracks –
Whatever is played during this commercial:
Any recent song by The Black Eyed Pees
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Top 10 Soundtracks of the 90's
And please note this is needle drop only. NOT scores. That is a different and, honestly, much more difficult list for me to make outside of the top 3.
And for the lazy folks out there I made you a best of Playlist on Spotify. Complete with many songs seen here and some other random additions that just scream "90's Soundtrack"
Spotify 90's Soundtrack Playlist:

7) So I Married an Axe Murderer

It was really hard to keep this just at 7 actually. Perfectly illustrates the 90's both in film and soundtrack including some of the most distinguishable tracks of the decade most notably with the Spin Doctor's "Two Princes". Throw in Toad the Wet Sprocket, Soul Asylum and a cheerful closing track in "There She Goes" and we have a perfectly balanced 90's soundtrack.
1. Brother - Toad the Wet Sprocket
2. The Break - Soul Asylum
3. Starve To Death - Chris Whitley
4. Rush - Big Audio Dynamite
5. This Poem Sucks - Mike Myers
6. Saturday Night - Ned's Atomic Dustbin
7. Long Day in the Universe - Darling Buds
8. Two Princes - Spin Doctors
9. My Insatiable One - Suede
10. Maybe Baby - Sun 60
11. There She Goes - La's

5) Singles

The second Cameron Crowe film to make the list which if you follow him close enough should be no surprise. As a whole, I feel that the power here is more in the bands themselves then the tracks but in the end you can't make a 90's list and not mention something that includes the likes of Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden and more. Nothing exemplifies the grunge era better than this.
1. Would? - Alice in Chains
2. Breath - Pearl Jam
3. Seasons - Chris Cornell
4. Dyslexic Heart - Paul Westerberg
5. The Battle of Evermore (live Led Zeppelin cover) - The Lovemongers
6. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns - Mother Love Bone
7. Birth Ritual - Soundgarden
8. State of Love and Trust - Pearl Jam
9. Overblown - Mudhoney
10. Waiting for Somebody Paul Westerberg
11. May This Be Love -The Jimi Hendrix Experience
12. Nearly Lost You - Screaming Trees
13. Drown - Smashing Pumpkins

Not as many individual standouts in terms of singles but it was an album I listed to on repeat for many years. There isn't a bad track on the album with some of the most definable 90's pop bands to be found. Gin Blossoms, Toad the Wet Sprocket, The Cranberries, Better Than Ezra and more. It's one of the first thoughts I have when I think of "90's Soundtracks" and for good reason.
1. Til I Hear It from You - Gin Blossoms
2. Liar - The Cranberries
3. A Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
4. Free - The Martinis
5. Crazy Life - Toad the Wet Sprocket
6. Bright As Yellow - The Innocence Mission
7. Circle of Friends - Better Than Ezra
8. I Don't Want to Live Today - Ape Hangers
9. Whole Lotta Trouble - Cracker
10. Ready, Steady, Go by The Meices
11. What You Are - Drill
12. Nice Overalls - Lustre
13. Here It Comes Again - Please
14. The Ballad of El Goodo - Evan Dando
15. Sugarhigh - Coyote Shivers
16. The Honeymoon Is Over - The Cruel Sea
3) Can't Hardly Wait

A wonderfully balanced soundtrack with some amazing little known tracks from under-appreciated bands like Feeder and Matthew Sweet with huge hits from Blink and Busta Rhymes. Throw in some great older party mix tunes from the 80's in GnR and Run DMC and you have a winner from top to bottom.
1. Graduate - Third Eye Blind
2. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby - Smash Mouth
3. Dammit - Blink 182
4. I Walked In - Brougham
5. Turn It Up/Fire It Up - Busta Rhymes
6. Hit Em Wit Da Hee - Missy Elliott feat. Lil' Kim and Mocha
7. Swing My Way - K.P. & Envyi
8. Flashlight - Parliament
9. It's Tricky - Run D.M.C.
10. High - Feeder
11. Tell Me What To Say - Black Lab
12. Farther Down - Matthew Sweet
13. Can't Hardly Wait - The Replacements
14. Umbrella - Dog's Eye View
15. Paradise City - Guns N' Roses

1. My Sharona - The Knack
2. Spin The Bottle - The Juliana Hatfield 3
3. Bed Of Roses - The Indians
4. When You Come Back To Me - World Party
5. Going, Going, Gone - The Posies
6. Stay (I Missed You) - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
7. All I Want Is You - U2
8. Locked Out - Crowded House
9. Spinning Around Over You - Lenny Kravitz
10. I'm Nuthiin' - Ethan Hawke
11. Turnip Farm - Dinosaur Jr.
12. Revival - Me Phi Me
13. Tempted (94) - Squeeze
14. Baby, I Love Your Way - Big Mountain
15. Stay (I Missed You) (Living Room Mix) - Lisa Loeb
16. Ass It Up - Ethan Hawke
17. Confusion - New Order
18. Disco Inferno - The Trammps
19. Give A Man A Fish - Arrested Development
20. Fools Like Me - Lisa Loeb
Honorable Mention:
Pulp Fiction - Some of the most entertaining parts are the integrated sound bites from the movie leading into the music. Unfortunately those don't really count for me in the rules I went by here.
And for the lazy folks out there I made you a best of Playlist on Spotify. Complete with many songs seen here and some other random additions that just scream "90's Soundtrack"
Spotify 90's Soundtrack Playlist:
Bonus Pick
#11) Trainspotting
#11) Trainspotting

Iggy Pop, Brian Eno, New Order, Pulp and more? Yes please. It also features my favorite song by one of my alltime favorite artists in Lou Reed's brilliant "Perfect Day"
1. Lust for Life - Iggy Pop
2. Deep Blue Day - Brian Eno
3. Trainspotting - Primal Scream
4. Atomic - Sleeper
5. Temptation - New Order
6. Nightclubbing - Iggy Pop
7. Sing - Blur
8. Perfect Day - Lou Reed
9. Mile End - Pulp
10. For What You Dream Of - Bedrock
11. 2:1 - Elastica
12. A Final Hit - Leftfield
13. Born Slippy .NUXX - Underworld
14. Closet Romantic - Damon Albarn
2. Deep Blue Day - Brian Eno
3. Trainspotting - Primal Scream
4. Atomic - Sleeper
5. Temptation - New Order
6. Nightclubbing - Iggy Pop
7. Sing - Blur
8. Perfect Day - Lou Reed
9. Mile End - Pulp
10. For What You Dream Of - Bedrock
11. 2:1 - Elastica
12. A Final Hit - Leftfield
13. Born Slippy .NUXX - Underworld
14. Closet Romantic - Damon Albarn
10) The Crow

I listened to this far too much to be able to omit it. Looking back, it wasn't nearly as good as I recalled but a number of standouts still exist. The Cure's "Burn", NIN's cover of Joy Divisions "Dead Souls" and one of my favorite STP tracks highlight the album. I also am still oddly driven to Jane Siberry's "It Can't Rain All the Time" which I remember listening to on repeat in my bedroom under a ton of blacklights. Yeeeeaaaah... Ahem.
1. Burn - The Cure
2. Golgotha Tenement Blues - Machines of Loving Grace
3. Big Empty - Stone Temple Pilots
4. Dead Souls - Nine Inch Nails (Joy Division)
5. Darkness - Rage Against the Machine
6. Color Me Once - Violent Femmes
7. Ghostrider - Rollins Band
8. Milktoast - Helmet
9. The Badge - Pantera
10. Slip Slide Melting - For Love Not Lisa
11. After the Flesh - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
12. Snakedriver - The Jesus and Mary Chain
13. Time Baby III - Medicine
14. It Can't Rain All the Time - Jane Siberry
2. Golgotha Tenement Blues - Machines of Loving Grace
3. Big Empty - Stone Temple Pilots
4. Dead Souls - Nine Inch Nails (Joy Division)
5. Darkness - Rage Against the Machine
6. Color Me Once - Violent Femmes
7. Ghostrider - Rollins Band
8. Milktoast - Helmet
9. The Badge - Pantera
10. Slip Slide Melting - For Love Not Lisa
11. After the Flesh - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
12. Snakedriver - The Jesus and Mary Chain
13. Time Baby III - Medicine
14. It Can't Rain All the Time - Jane Siberry
9) Jerry Maguire

Not as reminiscent of the decade but still full of older goodies to be found from The Who, Tom Petty and more. Aimee Mann's "Wise Up" (although better utilized in PTA's Magnolia) helped the cause in my list more than most would know. I also will forever be an apologist for Springsteen's "Secret Garden". Yep.
1. Requiem Again -The Durutti Column
2. The Horses - Rickie Lee Jones
3. I'll Be You - The Replacements
4. Momma Miss America - Paul McCartney
5. Singalong Junk- Paul McCartney
2. The Horses - Rickie Lee Jones
3. I'll Be You - The Replacements
4. Momma Miss America - Paul McCartney
5. Singalong Junk- Paul McCartney
6. Pocket Full of Rainbows - Elvis Presley
7. The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
8. Angel of the Morning - Merrilee Rush
9. Getting In Tune - The Who
7. The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
8. Angel of the Morning - Merrilee Rush
9. Getting In Tune - The Who
10. Magic Bus - The Who
11. Something in the Way - Nirvana
11. Something in the Way - Nirvana
12. For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) - AC/DC
13. Free Fallin' - Tom Petty
14. Neil Young – World on a String
15. Shelter from the Storm- Bob Dylan
16. Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen
17. Bitch - The Rolling Stones
18. Wise Up - Aimee Mann
15. Shelter from the Storm- Bob Dylan
16. Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen
17. Bitch - The Rolling Stones
18. Wise Up - Aimee Mann
8) Gross Pointe Blank

First can we just all acknowledge now how underrated this flick is? Good, I agree. Another soundtrack that doesn't necessarily capture as much of the 90's but still strikes the right chord for the decade as a film in the process. It also helped catapult Violent Femmes back into the spotlight, a feat that deserves recognition alone. I also gave extra points for Faith No More and the addition of a top 25 track of all time in "Under Pressure"
1. Blister In The Sun - Violent Femmes
2. Rudie Can't Fail - Clash
3. Mirror In The Bathroom - English Beat
4. Under Pressure - David Bowie, Queen
5. I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
6. Live & Let Die - Guns N' Roses
7. We Care A Lot - Faith No More
8. Pressure Drop - Specials
9. Absolute Beginners - Jam
10. Armagideon Time - Clash
11. El Matador - Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
12. Let My Love Open The Door (E. Cola Mix) - Pete Townshend
13. Blister 2000 - Violent Femmes
3. Mirror In The Bathroom - English Beat
4. Under Pressure - David Bowie, Queen
5. I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
6. Live & Let Die - Guns N' Roses
7. We Care A Lot - Faith No More
8. Pressure Drop - Specials
9. Absolute Beginners - Jam
10. Armagideon Time - Clash
11. El Matador - Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
12. Let My Love Open The Door (E. Cola Mix) - Pete Townshend
13. Blister 2000 - Violent Femmes
7) So I Married an Axe Murderer

It was really hard to keep this just at 7 actually. Perfectly illustrates the 90's both in film and soundtrack including some of the most distinguishable tracks of the decade most notably with the Spin Doctor's "Two Princes". Throw in Toad the Wet Sprocket, Soul Asylum and a cheerful closing track in "There She Goes" and we have a perfectly balanced 90's soundtrack.
1. Brother - Toad the Wet Sprocket
2. The Break - Soul Asylum
3. Starve To Death - Chris Whitley
4. Rush - Big Audio Dynamite
5. This Poem Sucks - Mike Myers
6. Saturday Night - Ned's Atomic Dustbin
7. Long Day in the Universe - Darling Buds
8. Two Princes - Spin Doctors
9. My Insatiable One - Suede
10. Maybe Baby - Sun 60
11. There She Goes - La's
6) Forrest Gump

This easily could have been the top soundtrack of the 90's but I knocked it a few points for not having anything truly "90's" about it. Whats so great about this list for me is the time period it exemplifies and although this is one of the greatest music soundtracks of all time it does not have anything definable in it for said decade. Having said all that, Holy Hell is this an amazing soundtrack.
Disc One
1. Hound Dog - Elvis Presley
2. Rebel Rouser - Duane Eddy
3. (I Don't Know Why) But I Do" - Clarence "Frogman" Henry
4. Walk Right In - The Rooftop Singers
5. Land of 1000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
6. Blowin' in the Wind - Joan Baez
7. Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
8. I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) - The Four Tops
9. Respect - Aretha Franklin
10. Rainy Day Women #12 - Bob Dylan
11. Sloop John B - Beach Boys
12. California Dreamin' - The Mamas & the Papas
13. For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield
14. What the World Needs Now Is Love - Jackie DeShannon
15. Break on Through (To the Other Side) - The Doors
16. Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
Disc Two
1. Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane
2. Let's Get Together - The Youngbloods
3. San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) - Scott McKenzie
4. Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
5. Medley: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In - The 5th Dimension
6. Everybody's Talkin' - Harry Nilsson
7. Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
8. Stoned Love - The Supremes
9. Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head - B. J. Thomas
10. Mr. President - Randy Newman
11. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
12. It Keeps You Runnin' - The Doobie Brothers
13. I've Got to Use My Imagination - Gladys Knight & the Pips
14. On the Road Again - Willie Nelson
15. Against the Wind - Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band
2. Rebel Rouser - Duane Eddy
3. (I Don't Know Why) But I Do" - Clarence "Frogman" Henry
4. Walk Right In - The Rooftop Singers
5. Land of 1000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
6. Blowin' in the Wind - Joan Baez
7. Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
8. I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) - The Four Tops
9. Respect - Aretha Franklin
10. Rainy Day Women #12 - Bob Dylan
11. Sloop John B - Beach Boys
12. California Dreamin' - The Mamas & the Papas
13. For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield
14. What the World Needs Now Is Love - Jackie DeShannon
15. Break on Through (To the Other Side) - The Doors
16. Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
Disc Two
1. Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane
2. Let's Get Together - The Youngbloods
3. San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) - Scott McKenzie
4. Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
5. Medley: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In - The 5th Dimension
6. Everybody's Talkin' - Harry Nilsson
7. Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
8. Stoned Love - The Supremes
9. Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head - B. J. Thomas
10. Mr. President - Randy Newman
11. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
12. It Keeps You Runnin' - The Doobie Brothers
13. I've Got to Use My Imagination - Gladys Knight & the Pips
14. On the Road Again - Willie Nelson
15. Against the Wind - Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band
5) Singles

The second Cameron Crowe film to make the list which if you follow him close enough should be no surprise. As a whole, I feel that the power here is more in the bands themselves then the tracks but in the end you can't make a 90's list and not mention something that includes the likes of Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden and more. Nothing exemplifies the grunge era better than this.
1. Would? - Alice in Chains
2. Breath - Pearl Jam
3. Seasons - Chris Cornell
4. Dyslexic Heart - Paul Westerberg
5. The Battle of Evermore (live Led Zeppelin cover) - The Lovemongers
6. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns - Mother Love Bone
7. Birth Ritual - Soundgarden
8. State of Love and Trust - Pearl Jam
9. Overblown - Mudhoney
10. Waiting for Somebody Paul Westerberg
11. May This Be Love -The Jimi Hendrix Experience
12. Nearly Lost You - Screaming Trees
13. Drown - Smashing Pumpkins
4) Empire Records

Not as many individual standouts in terms of singles but it was an album I listed to on repeat for many years. There isn't a bad track on the album with some of the most definable 90's pop bands to be found. Gin Blossoms, Toad the Wet Sprocket, The Cranberries, Better Than Ezra and more. It's one of the first thoughts I have when I think of "90's Soundtracks" and for good reason.
1. Til I Hear It from You - Gin Blossoms
2. Liar - The Cranberries
3. A Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
4. Free - The Martinis
5. Crazy Life - Toad the Wet Sprocket
6. Bright As Yellow - The Innocence Mission
7. Circle of Friends - Better Than Ezra
8. I Don't Want to Live Today - Ape Hangers
9. Whole Lotta Trouble - Cracker
10. Ready, Steady, Go by The Meices
11. What You Are - Drill
12. Nice Overalls - Lustre
13. Here It Comes Again - Please
14. The Ballad of El Goodo - Evan Dando
15. Sugarhigh - Coyote Shivers
16. The Honeymoon Is Over - The Cruel Sea
3) Can't Hardly Wait

A wonderfully balanced soundtrack with some amazing little known tracks from under-appreciated bands like Feeder and Matthew Sweet with huge hits from Blink and Busta Rhymes. Throw in some great older party mix tunes from the 80's in GnR and Run DMC and you have a winner from top to bottom.
1. Graduate - Third Eye Blind
2. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby - Smash Mouth
3. Dammit - Blink 182
4. I Walked In - Brougham
5. Turn It Up/Fire It Up - Busta Rhymes
6. Hit Em Wit Da Hee - Missy Elliott feat. Lil' Kim and Mocha
7. Swing My Way - K.P. & Envyi
8. Flashlight - Parliament
9. It's Tricky - Run D.M.C.
10. High - Feeder
11. Tell Me What To Say - Black Lab
12. Farther Down - Matthew Sweet
13. Can't Hardly Wait - The Replacements
14. Umbrella - Dog's Eye View
15. Paradise City - Guns N' Roses
2) Cruel Intentions

Two songs firmly had this planted on the top 3 without me even trying: The Verve's "Bitter Sweet Symphony" and one of my top 5 songs of the decade "Colorblind" by the never out of style Counting Crows. Throw in an amazing decade defining track from Fatboy Slim and some wonderful additions by Blur, Skunk Anansie and Marcy Playground and you have a fantastic soundtrack that unlike others on this list, better encompasses my current musical taste.
1. Every You Every Me - Placebo
2. Praise You - Fatboy Slim
3. Coffee And TV - Blur
4. Bedroom Dancing - Day One
5. Colorblind - Counting Crows
6. Ordinary Life - Kristen Barry
7. Comin' Up From Behind - Marcy Playground
8. Secretly - Skunk Anansie
9. This Love - Craig Armstrong
10. You Could Make A Killing - Aimee Mann
11. Addictive - Faithless
12. Trip On Love - Abra Moore
13. You Blew Me Off - Bare Jr.
14. Bitter Sweet Symphony -The Verve
2. Praise You - Fatboy Slim
3. Coffee And TV - Blur
4. Bedroom Dancing - Day One
5. Colorblind - Counting Crows
6. Ordinary Life - Kristen Barry
7. Comin' Up From Behind - Marcy Playground
8. Secretly - Skunk Anansie
9. This Love - Craig Armstrong
10. You Could Make A Killing - Aimee Mann
11. Addictive - Faithless
12. Trip On Love - Abra Moore
13. You Blew Me Off - Bare Jr.
14. Bitter Sweet Symphony -The Verve
1) Reality Bites

It just oozes 90's in every aspect and includes a wonderful mix of radio friendly pop hits like Big Mountain's "Baby I Love your Way" and the Knacks "My Sharona" with some of the edgier influential bands of the decade like Dinosaur Jr and the Posies. More importantly (and what puts this album over the top for me) it features two of my all-time favorite songs: The impeccable beauty Lisa Loeb doing two versions of her #1 hit "Stay" (including an acoustic version that still gets to me today) and one of the greatest unknown U2 love songs in the nearly 7 minute "All I Want is You". I can still listen to this from start to finish today and enjoy every minute of it just like I did as a HS Sophomore, which in the end is what allowed this to narrowly edge out the #1 spot.
2. Spin The Bottle - The Juliana Hatfield 3
3. Bed Of Roses - The Indians
4. When You Come Back To Me - World Party
5. Going, Going, Gone - The Posies
6. Stay (I Missed You) - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
7. All I Want Is You - U2
8. Locked Out - Crowded House
9. Spinning Around Over You - Lenny Kravitz
10. I'm Nuthiin' - Ethan Hawke
11. Turnip Farm - Dinosaur Jr.
12. Revival - Me Phi Me
13. Tempted (94) - Squeeze
14. Baby, I Love Your Way - Big Mountain
15. Stay (I Missed You) (Living Room Mix) - Lisa Loeb
16. Ass It Up - Ethan Hawke
17. Confusion - New Order
18. Disco Inferno - The Trammps
19. Give A Man A Fish - Arrested Development
20. Fools Like Me - Lisa Loeb
Honorable Mention:
Pulp Fiction - Some of the most entertaining parts are the integrated sound bites from the movie leading into the music. Unfortunately those don't really count for me in the rules I went by here.
The Chase - Maybe the best Punk soundtrack *ever*. Sadly though a real "soundtrack" was never released so this is here because of that technicality. Artists include: NOFX, Bad Religion, Down by Law, Rancid, Rollins Band and more.
Angus - In some ways I am shocked this didn't make crack my top 10 here as I have nothing but fond memories of this on repeat driving around Tampa in my car. Greenday, Ash and (of course) Weezer highlight but tracks by Love Spit Love and Dance Hall Crashers also got plenty of run and rightfully so.
Phenomenon - More of a guilty pleasure for me than anything else but some solid tracks by Eric Clapton, Peter Gabriel, Marvin Gaye. Jewel and yeah, I said it: Aaron Neville.
The Matrix - Honestly I just got really sick of this (and still am 12+ years later). But it did have some standout tracks from Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Prodigy and more. It's worth noting too that (lamely) half the songs on the Soundtrack were not even featured in the film. Another point that frustrates me in a "Disturbing Behavior" level way. Which if you know what I am referring to right now are likely my friend for life.
Angus - In some ways I am shocked this didn't make crack my top 10 here as I have nothing but fond memories of this on repeat driving around Tampa in my car. Greenday, Ash and (of course) Weezer highlight but tracks by Love Spit Love and Dance Hall Crashers also got plenty of run and rightfully so.
Phenomenon - More of a guilty pleasure for me than anything else but some solid tracks by Eric Clapton, Peter Gabriel, Marvin Gaye. Jewel and yeah, I said it: Aaron Neville.
The Matrix - Honestly I just got really sick of this (and still am 12+ years later). But it did have some standout tracks from Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Prodigy and more. It's worth noting too that (lamely) half the songs on the Soundtrack were not even featured in the film. Another point that frustrates me in a "Disturbing Behavior" level way. Which if you know what I am referring to right now are likely my friend for life.
American Pie - The first album out of the top 11. A variety of fun tracks from bands like Blink, Third Eye Blind, Tonic and more with two excellent subdued counterparts with Bic Runga's "Sway" and her duet with Semisonic's Dan Wilson with "Good Morning Baby"
Cable Guy - It starts and ends with a top 25 track of the decade for me in Primitive Radio Gods hit "Standing Outside a Broken Telephone Booth with Money in my Hand". Throw in Filter's "Hey Man Nice Shot" and Rob Zombie's hit "More Human than Human" and you have another album that was tough to leave off the list.
Spotify 90's Soundtrack Playlist:
Cable Guy - It starts and ends with a top 25 track of the decade for me in Primitive Radio Gods hit "Standing Outside a Broken Telephone Booth with Money in my Hand". Throw in Filter's "Hey Man Nice Shot" and Rob Zombie's hit "More Human than Human" and you have another album that was tough to leave off the list.
Spotify 90's Soundtrack Playlist:
Friday, November 11, 2011
Top 10 Songs Likely to be heard at the Doofin’s wedding

and in no particular order...
Jimmy Eat World – For Me this is Heaven
second song that came to my head
Ryan Adams - Wonderwall
because it's beautiful and the greatest cover of all time. A point we both agreed upon
Tonic – If you could only see
First song that came to my head
Guster – Satellite
I had to pick a Guster song. And although my guess is something like 'Either Way' would be a favorite, lyrically it made the least sense for a wedding.
Fall Out Boy – Grand Theft Autumn/Where is Your Boy
You know I must love you to have taken my time to find a Fall Out Boy song for this list. <3
And lyrically its a stretch but it works(ish)
John Williams - Jurassic Park Soundtrack - Main Theme
and it will be at my wedding too...
Decemberists – The Rake's Song
Can't make a list for my Doofin without some Colin. This was the obvious choice IMO
Randy Edelman- Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack - Promentory
You have to think of me at some point in the wedding. This addition should suffice
The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby
I think we discussed this actually. Some lyrics might not fit but otherwise its perfect
Pete Yorn – Just Another Girl
too many to choose from here. but to for me... this one is heaven (oh and see below)
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